
Stress is something we all deal with at times. It can even be a positive means to get our energy up and running. Unfortunately most of the time, the issues that cause “stressful situations” are not positive.

Too much work with too little time to do it as well as we would like;

Not enough money to pay all of our debts and no options for increasing our financial means while the debts keep growing like wild weeds.

Expectations that others have for what we “should” be doing – accomplishing -being that aren’t even close to who we really are or what we really want to do.

Goals that seem impossible to reach and time slipping away.

All of these and so much more in the current world that is challenging, and sometimes overwhelming are just a few of the stresses that cause sleepless nights, nervousness during the day, a sense of “not being good enough” or even a failure!
There are ways though that we can address any of these stresses and work out solutions. We might not discover a winning lottery ticket and yet we can find peaceful ways to handle the stressors!

Clinical Hypnosis allows us to go into our subconscious mind and change the way we think/feel about issues. Much of our negative thinking and self put downs come from past experiences and judgements that were unfair and even harsh. With just a few sessions of clinical hypnotherapy, using age regression and other subliminal tools, we are able to change how we deal with stressors!

Perhaps we can’t change the situation yet we can change how we deal with it! To schedule an appointment that just might change your life for the better, call Melanie at 708-305-3680 or email at [email protected]. Melanie has office hours Monday through Friday at 16860 S. Oak Park Ave, Suite 104, Tinley Park, IL.

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